Murrieta Mesa Band Boosters

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The Murrieta Mesa High School Performance Corps doesn't happen without a lot of hard work, and our students cannot do it on their own. They need support, both financially and physically, as they travel to performances and competitions; raise money to cover expenses for music, coaching, and transportation; and practice for each award winning performance. The Booster Club is a group where parents can come together to help their performers create a successful season. The Booster Club's job is to provide the support our students need, whether it's helping to build field show props or leading a fundraising effort to offset travel and coaching costs. The students need our help, and we need your help.

Every parent or guardian with a student in the Performance Corps is automatically a Booster. So make a point to come out and join the fun! Each year is full of opportunities to show your support, and WE NEED YOU THERE! Plus, don't forget our monthly meetings, where we plan all the fun and opportunities to share. JOIN US.

President: Danielle Morovich
Vice President: TBD
Secretary: Fran Raymond
Treasurer: Dave Smith


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